Ignatian Identity Group

IIG Mission
We believe the Ignatian way of life helps us to be fully human and fully alive. It enables us to live a reflective life and encourages us to change the world for the better. Inspired by the Jesuit approach to education, we offer opportunities for the students, parents and staff of Colaiste Iognaid and its wider community to experience the rewards of living at a deeper level.
Our identity as a school is rooted in the Jesuit / Ignatian tradition which dates back to the mid -16th Century with the foundation of the Jesuit order by St. Ignatius of Loyola. In 2002 the Provincial announced that Jesuits would not be able to guarantee their presence in the schools in the future. At Coláiste Iognáid, parents, as one of the stakeholders in the school, responded to the challenge of maintaining and developing the school’s Jesuit identity by coming together to learn about it in the first place and then take ownership of the future. This led to the formation of the Ignatian Identity Group (IIG).
The IIG is currently made up of parents and others who are interested in working to maintain this unique identity; teachers, past pupils and Jesuits have been members along the way at different stages. Introducing parents who are new to the Jes, to the Ignatian experience, forms part of the core responsibilities of the IIG. To that end the group organises an annual welcome event for new parents in the school and a number of Vision Evenings for parents throughout the school year. During the monthly meetings the IIG plans such events, reflects on their success or otherwise afterwards, and takes time to practice the Ignatian ways of engaging with the concrete experiences of our everyday lives. The IIG works closely with the school management, staff, parents’ council and board.
The groups work is informed by the Characteristics of Jesuit Education and the Universal Apostolic Preferences.
Parents and guardians are the prime educators. The idea of guiding young people to become women and men for others has to be rooted in and supported by the family. The IIG’s contribution to the success of this endeavour is to offer peer support and inspiration to parents. All it takes to get involved in this is curiosity.
Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month. If you would like to attend, please contact the Chairperson listed below.
If you would like to be added to the IIG mailing list, please send an email to either of the addresses below.
Contact us at:
Or contact the Chairperson:
MacDara Hosty
086 251 2762
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